Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Appbricate

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you have any questions? Before contacting us, please take your time to review our FAQ section. Most of the questions you may have been answered already and you will find them on this page. If you can’t find your inquiry here, please drop us a line through our contact page.

1. Basics

What is this?

Appbricate is the result of mixing the words “app” and “fabricate”. In other words, we are a factory of apps with numerous, innovative and always changing features. We are always in beta so you must have some guts to be in!

Can I make apps with you?

Yes, of course! This is our main feature. And the truth is that it is really easy to create apps with our platform.

Is Appbricate for me?

We have a version for everyone! While we have some complex features that are intended for professional app developers, we also have a straightforward panel designed for the average, non-tech user. If you are looking to make an app for your business or website, you are safe with us!

Sounds good… tell me more!

Our goal is to develop a global app management solution that covers all possible needs to create, publish, distribute, promote and monetize an app. For this reason we have numerous and different tools that try to assist you in each of these steps, such as a drag & drop app making interface, a genuine integrated stats system or our apps ready-for-ads. You have to be in to see how good is it.

So, is it free?

At the moment we are offering different plans, but definitely you can try our system, our tools and design your first app completely for free.

2. Technical

Anyone can do it?

Yes. There is no coding required at all! However, if you are an advanced user, you can also develop your own modules and functions!

Is this like Phonegap or Cordova?

No. Definitely not. First, although Phonegap and Cordova are great products, we are not based on them. Second, Appbricate’s concept is completely different. Our tools do not require coding at all to make an app.

Do you have any documentation?

Yes! We are working on it, but almost everything is already fully documented. Please refer to our Help and Knowdlegebase section.

3. Monetization

Can I make money with my apps?

Yes, you can. You can add Advertisements or sell products within your app.

Which sort of ads do you support?

You can place different types of ads inside your apps, both native and custom ads, and in a variety of formats! We have banners, interstitials (full-screen) and icon ads. Just fill a simple form and start making money!

Which Ad Networks are compatible with your system?

Almost all of them! We have some 10+ Ad Networks integrated by default, but we can add any Ad Network of your choice if you require it. Just contact us!

4. Payments

Which payment methods do you accept?

By default, we accept PayPal and all major credit cards. However, we can accept other payment methods upon request. If you want to pay via an alternate method, please contact us.

My preferred payment method is not available. What can I do?

No worries! We can accept alternate payment methods, however, some of them are not activated by default. Just contact us, tell us which method you want to use and we will activate it for your account.

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